Thursday, June 4, 2009

The State of Haiti Today

With a population of approximately 9 million in a country the size of Maryland. Haiti is often referred to as the poorest country in the Western hemisphere; and third-poorest country in the world.

Literacy rates: 50 to 70 percent, depending on the study. Nearly half of Haitian schools are private or run by religious organizations. the educational system is declining pretty quickly.

The economy of Haiti relies primarily on coal production and street merchants, and approximately 65 percent of Haiti's economy comes from international aid.

"When people ask a very straightforward question, 'How do people make a living?' it's hard to answer that question. It's hard to say there is an economy, because we simply don't have one."

Change for Haiti is no longer an option ... It is a must !

Yes we can ! Yes we will !

Together, lets find and restore the pearl.

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